Day after day, this is how it goes: You get up, go to work-and save your “real” self for the cracks and corners of your off time. Your 9-to-5 work might pay the bills, but if it’s not giving you an outlet for your pent-up creativity, it’s time to make a change. THis ingenious little book isn’t about throwing over your day job. It’s about integrating the work you have to do with the work you want to do. THe Artist in the Office will inspire and motivate you despite your daily grind. Take small steps toward your ideal life: Write at lunch, attend an art school open house, find a creativity group. Make your work environment an object fro your creativity: Photograph ordinary objects, collect your doodles and Post-its and reassemble them in a sketchbook, take lunchtime adventures. Shift your priorities to find time for creativity: Get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later, schedule your creative work like any other mandatory appointment or meeting, take a class. The Artist in the Office will help you thrive at your creative work and your day job. It may seem like you are living two lives, but it is one life only–and it’s yours.
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