General Information
We deliver within 2 to 5 business days.
If the book you received is incorrect or damaged, please check it upon delivery. If you find any issues, you can return the book for a replacement or refund. Please note that returns or exchanges cannot be processed after the delivery person leaves.
Yes, you can place a special order by emailing, calling **03-5759719**, or via WhatsApp at +201003303340.
To check your order status, we will email you with updates. You can also view the status directly from your account.
You can place your order over the telephone only if it’s a special order and is for bulk quantities.
Products & Services
Yes, paying by credit card is very safe. We have partnered with Paymob, which provides high security and is used by many multinational companies.
Your credit/debit card will be charged immediately after placing an order.
You can make a payment by credit card, debit card, or cash on delivery.
Shipping charges vary depending on your location. The cost is based on where you live.