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Kindergarten : A Parent’s Guide

Author: Sharon Hinchey
ISBN: 9781584763598




Preparing for kindergarten can be overwhelming for both children and parents. This kit provides useful information, advice, and hands-on tools that children and parents need for a confident and successful first year.
What’s in it for your child?

Reusable games, activity books, and hands-on learning pieces that encourage…
*Pre-reading and pre-writing skills, including letters, letter sounds, and rhyming
*Early math skills, including numbers, counting, patterning, matching, and sorting
*Thinking skills, such as recognizing colors and shapes, creative thinking, and logic

What’s in it for you?

A comprehensive 96-page parent’s guide with…
*A kindergarten readiness assessment
*Preparation checklists
*Frequently asked questions and answers
*Pointers for surviving the first day
*An overview of the school year curriculum
*Suggestions for finding teachable moments to encourage your child to learn every day

Additional information





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